02 September 2013

Beach replenishment and rebuilding dunes

This fall my studio will be looking at Sandy recovery further inland, but we need to remain aware of the beaches as front lines for storms coming in off the Atlantic. The Bergen Record offered a diagram of some expensive beach replenishment work that the US Army Corps of Engineers has undertaken. At a distance this sometimes seems linked to the construction of sand dunes that Christie has visibly (or audibly) pushed for. But, writes Bill Wolfe, much of the beach replenishment is of the type that won't provide protection, but will help expend plenty of Federal funds.

As we start this studio, it would be worth looking at these distinctions. They represent a larger lesson. Whether it is raising houses, or razing houses, or restoring marshes or hardening open space, not all improvements are improvements. We are going to race through the semester, trying to digest lots of information and sort out better approaches and solutions.

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