05 November 2008

Grabosky talk on Friday

The Plant Biology Seminar Series is hosting a special performance this week,
Trees in parking lots from Windows XP-Vista: The same old seminar from
Windows 3.1-2000, but with some new data
Jason Grabosky, Ph.D.

Dept of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Friday, November 7, 2008
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Foran Hall, Room 138A
59 Dudley Road, New Brunswick

A look at the Foran Hall parking lot illustrates the point; tree establishment in paved areas is hallmarked by reduced growth and management challenges. How we define success, and how we have approached designing soil volumes for urban trees in such situations has shifted in the past several years from mutually exclusive options, trees success versus pavement success or trees at the expense of parking stalls, to one of integrated design. This seminar will provide a brief overview, then discuss some recent work in designed soils for root growth under pavement. Studies tracking a working installation over ten years will suggest direction for ground penetrating radar work in progress. The results from three studies over the past 13 years will describe aspects of water relations in designed soils. Such data can provide context for stormwater management on parking lots. Vegetation stocking profiles to use captured and stored parking lot stormwater would compliment other canopy environmental services such as air quality. Finally, if the intention is to grow tree roots under pavement, then a method of modeling root growth for pavement section design is needed. A series of investigations defining the behavior and geometry of the system in relation to upward root growth will inform developing finite element models to design for tree roots without loss of pavement service life.

As the supply of coffee and time allows, video of simulated hurricanes on large oak trees, CT scan methods in tracking wood decay, and other strange images will provide humor and entertainment from other aspects of the urban forestry program.

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